对话 ERROR 404 主理人:“没有人在乎是否是中国制造!”


404 NOT FOUND 是客户端在浏览网页时,服务器无法正常提供信息,或是服务器无法回应,且不知道原因所返回的页面。

ERROR 404 去年成立于纽约,主理人是两个很年轻的大男孩,我们编辑第一次浏览他们的官网的时候就直呼“太酷了!” 今天我们就请到了主理人 Daxol 和 Alan,和他们一起聊聊 ERROR 404 ,聊聊他们自己,聊聊“中国制造”。


  • 简单的介绍一下自己?
  • A brief introduction of yourself

Daxol: 我13岁入行,现在是一名18岁的时尚顾问。我最喜欢的艺人有很多: Kanye West, MF DOOM ,海尔兄弟, Keith Ape。闲下来的时候,你会看到我出没在大街小巷中探寻美食。

I’m an 18 year old style advisor who has been in the streetwear industry since I was 13, my favorite artists range from Kanye to MF DOOM to asian rappers like The Higher Brothers and Keith Ape. On my free time you can catch me in the city munching on new grub I found.


Alan:我是alan, 从小就对时尚行业很感兴趣,现在是一个二十岁的设计师。闲暇时,我会玩玩滑板做做音乐,或者是泡在grailed上“淘宝”。我最喜欢的艺人包括Travis Scott, ASAP Rocky, and Lil Uzi,但是其实我什么歌什么流派都听,尤其是70年代的摇滚和敲击金属。

I’m Alan. I’m a 20 year old fashion designer, and I’ve loved the industry for many years now. I skateboard and experiment with music on my free time, and when I’m not designing clothes, you can catch me browsing Grailed and building up the pieces in my closet. Travis Scott, ASAP Rocky, and Lil Uzi are my all time favorite artists, but I genuinely enjoy listening to all genres of music, especially 1970’s rock and thrash metal.


  • 为什么想要创立自己的品牌,有什么契机?
  • What ignited the spark in you to start this business venture/get involved in fashion industry?


I was exposed to it a lot through the artists I grew up on like Kanye and it led me to look into the fashion industry as well as the sneakerhead industry, I personally love the amount of free expression and freedom/fun you can have with making pieces as well as styling it to represent yourself and staying cozy. It’s also run through my family since my great grandmother and mother would design their own clothing pieces in the Soviet Union.


My love for clothing has been around since middle school, and I went through high school learning about different brands and styles from my friends. College is where I finally built the confidence to start designing clothes rather than just buying the clothes I like, and I genuinely enjoyed every minute of designing the pieces and running a business of my own. The spark for fashion was always there, but it wasn’t until I was confident enough in my own designs that I was able to get involved in the actual industry.


  • ERROR404是怎样的概念和构想?
  • Tell us more about the concept of ERROR404?

ERROR 404 本身是一个构想:我们得不到我们想拥有的,就像提示错误的消息,因为欲望无尽,我们总是想要更多。ERROR404 围绕着这个概念,我们想创造出打破常规标新立异的设计。

Error404 is, in itself, a concept. It is the concept that what we want can not be found, like an error message, because we always want something more. Error404 encompasses this idea, as we design and and create new pieces that challenge norms and push our creativity to make something better each time.

  • 创业过程中的挫折与瓶颈?
  • What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them?


I lost a sneaker boutique company but it taught me a lot about the industry and helped me learn how to stay humble as well as recover from a loss.


One big failure for me was that I allowed people’s opinions to bring me down for most of my life. I would often fail to commit to hobbies or clothing choices because I feared negative feedback, but I learned that this was making me miserable. It took me a few years to build up my confidence and make choices that make ME happy, rather than the people around me. Fashion and design were what helped me pull myself through, and express myself in ways I didn’t feel comfortable with before.


  • 有没有想要看齐的品牌?
  • What are your favorite brands?

Daxol:除了我自己主理的 Error 404 ,我还喜欢Y3, PSNY, Undercover, Rick Owens, Maison Margiela, 新一季的 Fendi 和新一季的 Dolce&Gabbana。

My favorite brands besides Error 404 are Y3, PSNY, Undercover, Rick Owens, Maison Margiela, Fendi(Latest Season), and Dolce&Gabbana(Latest season).

Alan: 我最喜欢的品牌有 Haider Ackermann, Raf Simons , Acne Studios, Ann Demeulemeester, Dries Van Noten, Walter van Beirendonck, and Engineered Garments,但是当然不止这些。

My favorite brands include but are certainly not limited to:  Haider Ackermann, Raf Simons (of course), Acne Studios, Ann Demeulemeester, Dries Van Noten, Walter van Beirendonck, and Engineered Garments.

  • 对Made In China的看法?
  • Thoughts on “made in china”?

Daxol: 我觉得只要找对工厂,找到对的布料,中国制造质量也很好。

I believe that chinese production is amazing as long as you source the fabrics properly and go through a factory with good technology and can keep up with the demand for quality.


Alan: 只要产品质量好,根本没有人在乎到底是在哪里生产的。哪里生产真的不重要,时尚产业早就全球化了。

Who cares where it’s made? As long as the quality of the product is good, it really doesn’t matter. Fashion is one world.

  • 你觉得十年后你和你的品牌会达到怎样的高度?
  • Where you see yourself and ERROR404 in 10 years/20 years?

Daxol: 我觉得十年后我应该在为大型的活动或者是名人承办造型…至于ERROR 404 应该会挺成功的,在业内占据一席之地。

I see myself doing a lot such as styling for large events and for celebrities because I just love creating looks I see it as a form of art where the person is moreso the canvas. Error 404 will be a successful brand and doing major work throughout the industry.

Alan: I see myself running Error404 and also branching out into my own brand. I would like to open a store in which I sell 404, my brand, and other brands that I like. I also see myself working closely with the music industry as I expand my production skills. I see Error404 becoming a big, global brand, and I see us continuing to focus on extremely high quality fabrics, fit, and influential pieces that incorporate art and culture that we learn more about each day.